You may have settings in your normal.dot that you would like to keep. Your newly installed program finds normal.dot right where it was before. These facts explain why reinstalling Office or Word does not fix a problem with a corrupt or virus-infected normal.dot file. When you first install Word, normal.dot is not installed with it. If Word cannot locate a normal.dot file, it creates a brand new one. For more information on normal.dot and Word 2000, see the MS Technet Article at. When you launch Word, it looks for normal.dot and opens it. It is very common for normal.dot files to become corrupt. Normal.dot is always in use when Word is open, even if you are using another template. Normal.dot is the default or global template that Word uses to create a blank document. If the problem is not resolved, move to step 4.

Choose the View tab, and choose to Show Hidden Files and Folders After you have renamed normal.dot, launch Word. To do so, open Windows Explorer, and go to Tools-Folder Options. If you have Windows XP, you may need to turn on viewing of system files in order to find your normal.dot. If you do not have "permission" to rename normal.dot, check with your network administrator or internal helpdesk (applies only on some PCs at work, not home users). If you cannot find normal.dot: Check under User Templates in the Tools-Options menu of Word, on the File Locations tab. Then rename the file(s) to abnormal.dot, normal1.dot, or anything you like-as long as it is not normal.dot. To rename the file(s), right-click and hit Rename.

See bulleted notes below for more information. Type in "normal.dot" without the quotes, and hit search. To search for normal.dot, double-click My Computer. If there is more than one, rename them all. Rename normal.dot: With Word closed, find and rename the normal.dot file on your system. Keeping your hard drive clean is of the utmost importance, particularly when attempting to troubleshoot other problems. The steps to troubleshoot corrupt documents can be found in the next section. If you cannot duplicate the behavior in another file, it is likely a corrupt document.

If you experience the behavior in any file, and particularly in a new file, then you know that the problem lies with Word. Ensure that Word, and not the document, is the problem. If that does not work, then take step 5, which always works.

If you have lost your toolbars in Word, take only step 3. The text is a bit cramped up cos I copied & pasted off a word doc.